source: jess @ bakericious
adapted from Aunty Yochana.
For Base:
80gm oreo cookies - blended
30gm butter - melted
(i used 250 gm choc tiger biscuits + 100 gm melted butter..using 8" springform tin)
Mix all the biscuit base ingredients together and press into a 6" springform tin. Baked at preheated oven at 200C for 10 mins and cool aside then chill in the refrigerator while preparing the filling.
350gm durian meat
250gm cream cheese (soften)
55gm sugar
25gm cornflour
120ml coconut milk - i used whipping cream
70ml whipping cream
2 eggs (beaten)
**(nondairy whipping cream tu kita pukul kembang dulu baru campur lam adunan cheese)
100gm durian meat
40gm fresh milk
30gm whipping cream
15gm sugar
1 egg
For Decoration : (i didn't do this since not enough durian & whipped cream)
100g durian meat - blended
150g whipping cream - whipped
Mix both together until well mixed.
Method for Filling:
1.Cream cream cheese and sugar till well combined. Add in corn flour follow by the rest of the ingredients. Mix till smooth.
2.Pour cream cheese durian mixture onto the chilled biscuit base and then steam bake at 160C for about 50 to 60 mins.
3.Mix the topping ingredients together and pour on top of the hot baked cheese cake. Bake for about 15 to 20 mins.
4.Leave to cool on a cooling rack and then chill for at least 4 - 5 hours before serving.
5.Decorate as desire and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

kak ina..mas baca bahan2 tu pun dah terliur ni...
sedapppnya...tak tergambar macam mana rasanya cis doyan yang sedapp tu...
nak cikit...
Salam.. Hi Kak Inahar, sedapnya Cheesecake durian.. tak pernah rasa ni.. Nak sikit boleh tak? hehe
akak bak sepotong....
Waaaa... kak ina nak jugak.. Wah laju juga akak membaking eh.. Naz baru je berkira2 nk wat cheese cake tp tak terbuat2 lagi.. Akak dah rembat doyan dah buat cheese cake...
Assalam Dr,
wah durian cheesecake..mesti harum satu rumah ni ..mesti sedap ni dr..
Salam Kak Ina...Wahhhh cheesecake doyan....terangkatttttt
Salam Ina,
Alamak ruginya saya tak makan durian.....
Salam Ina,
Alamak ruginya saya tak makan durian.....
salam kak...
mak oiiii!!!
nak sikit!!
salam Ina. pls pick up your award from my blog. thnx
Salam2 kenal dari kak cek...singgah kat sini tengah2 malam....bestnya makanan kat sini...emmmm....nyum...nyum...kechur kak cek tengok durian cheesecake Ina....kak cek copy resepi ya...
cedap nih!huhu tak pernah rsa..
takmo ke datang jumpa mama bawak ciskek durian ni.. huhuhu
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