Congo bars ni sempat dibaking hari minggu yang lalu setelah lama ovenku berhibernasi..hihi! This is absolutely a keeper recipe..sejenis blondie yg texture dalamnya chewy2 gitew dan manakala luarnya rangup..memang sedap sgt! Jom kita semak resipinye yok!
resipi asal - KG
sumber - inahar's cooking time
250g butter, I use President salted, soft
1 3/4 cups light brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
3 large eggs, weighing about 60g each
a pinch of salt
2 1/2 cups of self raising flour
1 cup callebaut 54% cocoa choc buttons
1 cup bittersweet ghirardelli choc buttons
extra imported store bought choc buttons to spread on the batter
Almond flakes + chocolate chips (sy tambah dlm adunan juga utk tabur atas adunan sebelum dibakar)
Using a wooden laddle mix butter with sugar and vanilla until all the butter disappears in the sugar. Add eggs one by one. Mix and please do not cream the eggs. Add the sifted flours in 3 additions, fold them in and not stir the batter. Mix the choc buttons and spread in 12x12 tin. I usually top with more chocolate chips and bake in a preheated oven at 160C for about 18 minutes (mine at 180c about 30 minutes)

Dalam sibuk-sibuk bertugas merawat pesakit covid sempat lagi bercongo bars ye... mudah2an selamat semua dan wabak yg menakutkan ini segera berlalu dari bumi ini...
k.sweetie..insyaallah aamiinn kak..
Alhamdulillah. Masih ada kesempatan untuk masak-masak dan berblogging. Semoga sentiasa dipermudahkan urusan oleh-Nya.
Saya suka makan congo bars, tapi belum pernah buat hehee.
Terima kasih Puan Doc. Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas jasa-jasa mu 😘😘😘
Amie..iye mekaseh amie. Aamiinn yra. Nanti tryla buat sendiri congo bars ni mmg puashati. Insyaallah
k.laili..mekaseh kak. Aamiinn Yra.
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