A mother waits longer than others do
A mother worries much more than most will
A mother loves more deeply than most too
A mother gives until her heart is still
A mother just never gives up on you
A mother's love will forever be true...

So kepada kengkawan yg juga para ibu sekalian dijemput membawa balik kad2 ucapan yg kiut miut kat atas ni ye! semoga kita akan sentiasa menjadi ibu yg terbaik buat anak2 ye!
banyaknya kadddd!!!!!sat ekh...nak balik lori bakul jap..byk nak kena nagkut nih.hihihi
Happy Mother's Day kak..
best nye ade hari ibu..
cam manje ni belum bleh celebrate lagi..
cuma tgu hari guru aje next week..
Happy mother's day to you too Inahar. Congrats on all your cards and thank you sooooo much for passing them on to me. I love you! Hugs and Kisses, Vin.
Happy Mom's Day Kak Ina..
Hopes u'll always be a wonderful mom to ur kids..
Dpt hadiah apa ari ni??
happy mother's day sis...
i'm sure u r a great mum...
happy mother's dayyyy :)
kak ina...happy mothers day juga utk kak ina...moga kita jadi ibu terbaik dan anak yg tebaik...:)
selamat hari ibu inahar!..ibu yang paling best in the whole world! dimata anak-anak kita kan!
akak...tima kasih...byknyer kasi kad....ape pun..SELAMAT HARI IBU utk akak..
Salam kak...
Selamat hari ibu...
lambat wish...
Didoakan akak menjadi ibu dan isteri mithali...
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