Waduh..berangan nk wat kek blue velvet cam kt dapur Rima sempena sambutan belated besday ku semalam tp kek yg sepatutnya biru dh jd kaler purple uu..!! memula nmpak kek blue velvet yg rima wat tuh..terus tertawan & teruja giler pn.doc nk menerai..tu laa masa nk stat baking tu x perasan yg blue food coloring ku tinggal ciput..cukup sesudu jek..adoii..bila dh tuang lam adunan br perasan x cukup kaler..terpaksala ku campur ngan kaler merah lg satu sudu besar..so jd laa kek besdayku velvet kaler dark purple lakss ..hehe!! tak kisahlaa labu..asal rasanye tetap mantain sodaap!! mekacehh ye rima 4 sharing this marvellous recipe..kalu besday tahun lepas wat red velvet cake kt sini manakala tahun ni wat purple velvet cake lak..i loiikee!! gamaknye baking velvet cake ni akan jd acara tahunan ku la pulak..hahaha!! so jom kita tgk resipinye..million thnx again to dear rima!!
sumber 2:
inahar's cooking time
A-120 gm butter
300 gm castor sugar
B-150gm egss-whisk lightly (i used 2 egss gradeA)
C-250 gm all purpose flour
5 gm baking powder
5 gm baking soda
15 gm cocoa powder (i used 2 tbsp)
D-240 ml fresh milk
5-10gm blue coloring
2.5gm apple cider vinegar (i used 1 tsp heinz vinegar)
Preheat oven to 200c (i used 180c) grease a 30x30x3 (i used 9" round pan) baking sheet@pan & line bottom with parchment. sift flour,cocoa,baking powder & soda in a bowl.
Place butter & sugar in a bowl of an electric stand mixer and beat @ medium speed until wellblended/sugar dissolved. with machine on low, add B & C alternately & continue to whisk until wellblended. very slowly add in D. scrape down bowl & beat just long enough to combine.
Pour batter onto the baking sheet.place in oven & bake till skewer comes out clean. let cool in pan for few minutes. remove cake from pan by flipping over & peel off the parchment. divide cake into two & cool completely.
Creamcheeese blue velvet. (i did not use this recipe)
250gm cream cheese
200gm mascarpone cheese
5gm vanilla essence
115gm icing sugar-sifted
360gm cold whipping cream
I used this recipe instead:
Cream Cheese Frosting
250ml whipping cream
200ml cream cheese
1/2 cup confectioner sugar
Mix everything in a big bowl and whip the cream until stiff peaks formed.
Assemble: With a serrated knife, cut each layer in half, horizontally. You will now have four layers. Place one of the cake layers, top of the cake facing down, onto your serving platter. Spread the cake layer with a layer of frosting. Place another layer of cake on top of the frosting and continue to frost and stack the cake layers. Frost the top and sides of the cake. Can garnish the cake with sweetened or unsweetened coconut.