Jemput minum petang dgn fruit cocktail custard puff nih ye...syedaap!! memula nampak kt umah Kak Ida 1001 resipi..pastu nmpak kt dapur CMG lak..nk wat pun mudah so terus kita operasi puff pastry jenama kawan then preparekan krim kustardnye..pastri tu bentukkan dulu..cara2 leh tgk camner Kak Ida wat kt sini ye..pastri baked for 12-15 minutes then taruh kastad & hias ngan fruit coctail @ any fruits yg uols suker..pastu ayak gula icing kt atas puff tadi...siap!!
resipi custard kita cnp dr dapur kak ida..thnx ye kak!!
ingredient for custard
1 cup milk
1 cup cream (saya guna ideal milk je)
1 tsp vanilla
4 egg yolk
1 1/2 tbs cornflour
1/3 cup caster sugar
combine milk and cream...place on medium heat, do not boil, remove.
whisk egg yolk, corn flour and sugar in heatproof bowl until well combined.
pour hot milk mixture over egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly.
return mixture to saucepan over low heat, cook stirring constantly for 15 to 20 minutes or until custard thickens.