Saturday, March 6, 2010


Huhuu..arini kembali mengepau atas permintaan mr hubby!! dier request nk inti kelapa bergegas lah sang isteri mencari kelapa parut td utk wat inti..alhamdulillah selamat menjadi gebuss pau ku ini..kalau sebelum nih kita guna resipi pau ton(resipi leh klik sini) kali ni kita guna resipi dari dapur mamafami lak! resipi asal dari ian-eyza@Myr..thanx to both ladies for sharing! minta izin ye maa kita cnp resipi kt umah mama.. lebiuuu!

PAU (Ian-ieza@MyR )

Ingredients :

100 g lukewarm water
73 g sugar

11 g instant dried yeast

60 g water

306 g superfine flour

1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1/2 teaspoon bread softener

1/2 teaspoon cooking oil

20 g vegetable shortening

Method :

1. Mix lukewarm water, sugar and instant dried yeast. Set aside for the yeast to ferment.
2. Pour the water into the Bread Maker pan, followed by the yeast mixture.
3. Top it with flour, bicarbonate of soda, bread softener and cooking oil.
4. Set the BM to 'dough' function. Once the dough is just combined, add in the shortening. Leave the rest to the BM.
5. Once the dough is double the size, punch down to release air. Divide into 30g balls. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
6. Flatten the dough and place the filling in the middle. Cover the filling with dough and place it on a piece of grease proof paper.
7. Arrange the dough in the steamer and let it rise to double the size.
8. Steam for 10 minutes.


  1. kalau hubby sy request pau, sy main beli aje.hehehe. psst kak...byk lg tak pau tu..nk sikit!

  2. salam kak,sedapnyer sarapan pau kelapa.teringin nak buat tp bnyk kerja hari ni :(

  3. Hi Kak Ina, saya dah beli steamer tau. Nanti nak try mengepau gak lah....semangat lak tengok pau akak yg gebus tu...

  4. akak, meh nk rasa sebijik boleh,,,nampak pun dh best jer,,

  5. hai kak, ari tu tgk CM mengepau..
    hari ni akak pulak..kite aje yang belum..
    tak bleh jadik ni, kena cepat2 kuatkan badan
    nak mengepau...

  6. hello
    I offer a price on my blog to celebrate the arrival of spring
    good weekend

  7. ain..dh abih pun pau tu!! nnri try ler wat sendiri lak..hehe!

    deliah..mmg sedap pun..nnti deliah try ek!

    ibu khalish..wah best tu ada steamer baru nnti leh la adah try wat pau nih..

    hasni..mmg gebu pun!

    noorma..haha makyung ngidam ker?? xper doc kata lg seminggu nk bersalin ek..smpat lg wat pau tuh..hehe!!

    achik..cepat2 wat pau bila tgh rajin nih..hehe!

    fimere..hello..i'll surely visit ur blog kay!
