Wednesday, March 16, 2011


TARAA...arini kembali mengecis pulak..atas permintaan mr kali nih try wat no baked cheesecake lak..lebih lembut & creamy!! resipi amik dr dapur alongroz..tenkiu along..mmg sedap woo!! meh kita zaas resipi.....minta izin cnp resipi ye along..muah!!

MANGO CHEESECAKE (kita ganti ngan peach)
Made one 9" diameter
110g Butter
2 tbs Brown Sugar

200g Digestive Biscuits
- crushed
-kita guna 250gm oreo biscuits
50g Cornflakes
- crushed coarsely
- x letak
- Melt butter with brown sugar.

- Mix in rest of ingredients.

- Press into the cheesecake tin.

- Chill for at least 30 minutes.

1 block (250g) Cream Cheese
1/2 cup Castor Sugar

1 packet Cream
(200ml) -kita guna nondairy whipped cream (dipukul kembang dahulu sebelum campur dalam adunan cheese)
1 cup Mango puree
(used 2 large mangoes & my mangoes were very sweet)
- kita parut buah pic dalam tin
1 tbsp Gelatine/Jelly powder
- dilute in 1/4 cup water & heat up until melt

1. Cream cream cheese and sugar until smooth.
Add in cream & continue to beat until thicken.
Add in mango puree & stir well.
Add in gelatine/jelly mixture.

2. Pour into the chilled crust.
Chill overnight until set.

3. For topping, arrange mango slices on the cheesecake once it is set.
Mix 40ml apricot jam with 40ml hot water.
Brush the mango topping with apricot jam mixture.(kita hias guna whipped cream & peach slices jer)
Chill until set.
Serve chilled.


  1. kak ina ... cam janji jer.. kita pon men'ciskek semlm ;)

  2. rasa fenin2 pulak tgok ciskek ni.. huwaaaa... fenin tak da stok cis doc..

  3. memang sedap cis kek ni kak..terasa mcm nk mkn lagi jer tapi kena kasi cair lelemak dlm bdn dulu ni..hehe

  4. sedapnyer ciskek!! dh lama x wat ciskek..

  5. kak ina...sedapnya ciss kej tu...
    terliur mas tengok...

  6. kak ina...sedapnya ciskek tu...
    terliur mas tengok...

  7. Salam rinduuu kak Inahar...Nk request jugak buleh ke ciskek ni? rajin nye akak memasak...tengok macaron kat bawh tu teringat kat diri sendiri yg beazam nk buat dah setahun lebih tak jadi2 jugak.hehehe

  8. Bilalahhhh nak berani buat ciskek ni ye? Hmmm... Kecur je tengok kek Ina..

  9. ain..kita serupaaaa..hehe!

    dzana..cepat cikgu pi beli ciskrim takut kempunan lak..

    nieza..kalu nk tunggu lelemak lam badan cair mau kempunan woo..hahaha!

    tun..nnti tryla wat resipi nih..sedap wa ckp lu..hehe!

    mas..kalu terliur tu kenala stat operasi mengecis lak..huhu!

    ijan..cepatla try wat macaron tuh..mesti ijan wat lg cantik menawan..

    mamafami..nk tunggu keberanian datang alamat meleleh jerla ayaq liuq tu maa ooi!hahaha..

  10. ..........


    nangissss....tgk ciskek akak..

    **psst ha ah dah balik dah...jumaat lepas lagi..

  11. oppsss..salah log in account..janji akak kenal yeh hehehe

  12. cat..nama cat ada sorang jek akak kenal..hahahaha!!!

  13. Lovely lovely cheesecake, your blog is really an feast to the eyes. Lots of yummy treats, following your gorgeous looking blog.

  14. Sure sedap kan.. actually the no bake style lagi terasa cheesenye.. tul tak?? hehe
