Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Assalamualaikum semua..pekabo?? Lamanye Pn Doc tak bersiaran kan..sampai dah berhabuk bersawang dah dapurku ini..aloloo! Rindu nak berblog tapi disebabkan kekangan masa yang sangat mencemburui ku saat ini mmg terpaksa kita meninggalkan sebenar dunia blogging sebab ada perkara penting lain yang lebih memerlukan tenaga dan sokonganku tika ini. Ni pun kita curi2 masa hupdet blog ni supaya takla gersang terus kan..huhuu! anyway..jom tgk apa yg kita sempat buat baru2 ini iaitu Strawberry Cake yang sgt sedap rasanye..almaklum ler kebetulan stok buah stoberi segar banyak diapurku hasil belian melalui rakan di FB yg meniaga buah stoberi segar dari mesir..mmg manis buahnye..tak menyesal beli tau! So jom kita zaas resipi kek stoberi ni yg sgt marbeless! 

resipi asal - chef rachel allen


  • 150 g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
  • 150 g caster sugar - saya guna brown sugar
  • eggs
  • A few drops of almond essence or almond extract - saya tak letak
  • 50 ml milk - saya tukar kepada 2 sudubesar susu pekat manis
  • 150 g self-raising flour, sifted
  • 150 g ground almonds
  • 150 g fresh or frozen raspberries, defrosted if frozen - saya guna fresh strawberry
  • 25 g flaked almonds
  • chocolate chips - saya tambah
  • orange zest & juice from  one orange - ni saya tambah
  • icing sugar, for dusting
  • Fresh raspberries and softly whipped cream, to decorate - guna fresh strawberry

    1. 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter the sides of a 20cm cake tin and line the base with a disc of baking parchment.

    2. Cream the butter until soft in a large bowl or in an electric food mixer. Add the sugar and beat until the mixture is light and fluffy. Whisk the eggs and the almond essence or extract together in a small bowl for a few seconds or just until combined, then gradually add the eggs to the creamed butter mixture, beating all the time.

    3. Next beat in the milk , then add the flour and ground almonds (+ orange zest/juice) , carefully folding these in just until they are mixed. Add the raspberries (potongan strawberry & chocolate chip) and fold in gently so as not to break them up too much.

    4. Tip the batter into the prepared tin, then scatter over the flaked almonds (and strawberries). Bake for 50-55 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tin for 10 minutes.

    5. Use a small, sharp knife to loosen the edges, then carefully remove the cake from the tin and leave on a wire rack to cool down completely before transferring to a serving plate. Dust with icing sugar. Serve with softly whipped cream if you wish, or decorate with fresh raspberries. 


  1. sedapanya doc Ina, dah lama teringin tapi belum lagi terbuattt makin teringin tengok yg ni

    1. Kaknoor..teringin jangan sampai kempunan tau..baik cepat operasi tu!

  2. Sempat juga tu kak Ina membaking dkm sibuk2 pun. Tq kak resepinya..

    1. Nadz..welkam..biasala kita ni kan multitasking..hehe!

  3. dah la lama puan Doc..menyepi sekali keluar denag kek sedap..terliur ni Puan Doc.

    1. Acikerna..tu laa kan..rindu membaking klu lama tak ke dapur..huhu!

  4. Alohaiii kna suruh dak eni membaking nii

    1. Nekchik..klu eni wat ni compom jadi kak..senang jer eatnye!

  5. minum sekali dengan teh panas sedap ni :)

    salam perkenalan & jemput ke blog nana

    1. Nana..tenkiu visit blog akak..insyaallah nnti akak balas kunjungan ke blog nana ye!

  6. Puan Doc! Kenapa namanya ada Bakewell, adakah kek ni berasal dari Bakewell, Derbyshire UK. Tapi kek2 dan puding yang di jual di Bakewell taklah sesedap namanya, tersangatlah manis. Tapi tempat tu antara yang tercantik di UK.

  7. K.sweetie..hahahaa tidakler teman tau napa nama kek tu ada bakewell..setau kita klu ada bakewell kt nama kek atau puding tu sbb ada csmpur buah2an segar kt dlmnye..ntah la tp kek ni just nice manisnye sbb ada masam manis buah kan.

  8. Salam yang

    Kita nak buat hari ni sb tepung kek dah nk expired.Kek yg ada buah buahan cam ni mmg jemu .tq inahar

  9. cikmanggis..dh siap baking jgn lupa pos kt kita sepotong dua ek cikmanggis..hehe!
