Saturday, December 25, 2010


Salam bersiaran kembali...amboi lama tuanrumah berhibernasi kan..hehe! beselaa cuti skool nih mcm2 program yg dilalui..pendek kata time tuh asik penuh jek..tenet pun x sempat nk jenguk! haa arini br free jap..boleh ler kita masukkan n3 masak2 kan! carrot cake nih br wat siang tadi..selalu guna resipi kt sini tp kali nih kita guna resipi chef ternama rachel allen dari rancangan tv "BAKE" perghhhh mmg sedap family bagi 2 thumbs up!! sgt soft & moist gitu!! pasnih leh wat lagi & lagik..tu pun x sempat nk berciskrim bagai..kalau ada topping ciskrim mmg terangkat laa jawabnye..huhuu! jom zaass resipinyer..

CARROT CAKE- rachel allen's


For the carrot cake

  • 140 ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 g light brown sugar
  • 300 g grated carrots, (grated weight)
  • 100 g raisins
  • 75 g pecans or walnuts, chopped (optional)
  • 1/2 tin of pineapple chopped @ crushed(drained)- i added this
  • 180 g self-raising flour
  • 1 pinches salt
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp mixed spice

For the orange cream cheese icing

  • 250 g cream cheese, chilled
  • 50 g butter, at room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 275 g icing sugar, sifted
  • 1 orange, zest only


1. Preheat the oven to 150C/gas 2. Oil and line a 13 x 23cm loaf tin with greaseproof paper.

2. For the carrot cake: beat the eggs in a large bowl, then add the oil, brown sugar, grated carrot, raisins and chopped nuts.

3. Sift in the rest of the dry ingredients and bring the mixture together using a wooden or large metal spoon until well combined.

4. Pour the mixture into the prepared loaf tin, smooth the surface and bake in the oven for 1 hour 15 minutes, or until until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.

5. Remove from the oven and allow the cake to cool in the tin for about five minutes before removing. Cool completely on a wire rack before serving.

6. For the icing: beat the cream cheese and butter together in a bowl until well combined. Add the vanilla extract, icing sugar and finely grated orange zest and mix until the icing is smooth and thick. Using a palette knife, spread the icing evenly over the cooled cake, dipping the knife into a bowl of hot water if the icing is hard to spread out. Cut into slices to serve.


  1. kak inahar.. wah menggoda tul ayat2 kesedapan kek ni...hahaa... akak sihat ke? saya kek carrot memang tak pernah buat lagi, kot takut tak dapat sambutan je..nanti 1 day mesti nak try jugak

  2. k.ina,

    memang lama betul akak ber hibernate, sunyi je "rumah" akak for the past few days. actually saya pun sama, update entry ala2 F1 gitu, laju je sebab byk sgt activity cuti sekolah ni.

    carrot cake memang our family's favourite. selalunya kalau buat carrot cake, saya guna recipe from balik KL ni, nak try recipe akak guna ni la. nampak moist and delicious sgt kek akak tu :D

  3. Salam K.Ina,
    Lama dah tak buat carrot cake..yatie mmng suka kek ni..rasa sepotong yg akak buat ....nnti yatie bagi seloyang ya....hehehhehe....leh caya ke???

  4. dari kejauhan dah nmpak kesedapan kek tu..
    nnt nak try versi rachel allen plak lah..
    sy suka tgk BAKE! ni..

  5. kak ina....nak sepotong pun jadi lah...cikmin suka carrot kek ni..tapi belum pernah cuba buat...adoiii..malas betul nak baking2 ni... :P

  6. izah..hehe anak akak belasah jek seme jenis kek asal sodaap!

    shidah..nnti try laa guna resipi nih mmg marveles!

    yatie..cepat wat seloyang nnti br akak bg rasa sepotong..hahaa!!

    faradean..seme chef kt AFC & TLC akak suker tgk!

    cikmin..kek tinggal serdak jek..cian dier..nnti akak wat lain ek..hehe!

  7. k.ina, nak pulut panggang hhow much? saya balik KL hari selasa, insyaAllah. nak kirim apa2 lagi tak? rempah ke ?

  8. KIna
    Nampak sedap carrot cake ni.. kat sini macam kurang sambutan sikit lah but that doesnt mean i will not keep on baking em heheh

  9. shidah..xper akak gurau jek..cian nnti shidah susah payah nk gi beli! anyway tqvm ye!!

    rima..bebudak selalu ckp kek carrot nih kek sayur..ekeke! tp kalu dh dimekap ngan ciskrim seme licin..hehe!

  10. salam inahar..teringin nak makan carrot cake ni:)cake yang sihat dan senang nak bikin kan?

  11. cikmanggis..betul tu cm..kek ni main godek2 jek ngan sudip pastu bakor..siap! hehe..

  12. sedap nampaknya kek ni...boleh dibuat for the resepi

  13. sedapnya!...teringin nk buat tapi bila buat berhari2 lak nk abis coz tak ramai nk tolong abiskan..:)
