Wednesday, April 22, 2009


salam seme ...memandangkan this week sibuk berkerja siang ke mlm..jd i hanya dpt update resipi utk menu2 masa jamuan besday tempohari ye!
Untuk resipi brownie nih..i guna resipi my fav chef ie nigella lawson..mmg sgt yummmmyyy!!!
(These brownies are the very best delicious, the most gooey/chocolaty I have ever made. They are dense and fudgy!! i've done thisbrownie many times!)



  • 3 sticks plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (lbhkurang 375 gm)
  • 12 ounces best-quality bittersweet chocolate (350 gm)
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 3/4 cups superfine sugar (i reduced to 11/2 cup)
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup white chocolate buttons, chips, or morsels
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate buttons, chips or morsels
  • Approximately 2 teaspoons confectioners' sugar, for garnish

  • Special equipment: Baking tin (approximately 11 1/4 inches by 9 inches by 2 inches), sides and base lined with baking parchment.


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Melt the butter and dark chocolate together in a large heavy based pan over a low heat.

In a bowl or large measuring jug, beat the eggs together with the superfine sugar and vanilla extract.

Allow the chocolate mixture to cool a little, then add the egg and sugar mixture and beat well.

Fold in the flour and salt. Then stir in the white chocolate buttons or chips, and the sem

isweet chocolate buttons or chips. Beat to combine then scrape and pour the brownie mixture into the prepared tin.

Bake for about 25 minutes (i baked for about 35-40 minutes though..maybe due to my oven). You can see when the brownies are ready because the top dries to a slightly paler brown speckle, while the middle remains dark, dense and gooey. Even with such a big batch you do need to keep checking on it: the difference between gooey brownies and dry ones is only a few minutes. Remember, too, that they will continue to cook as they cool.

To serve, cut into squares while still warm and pile up on a large plate, sprinkling with confectioners' sugar pushed with a teaspoon through a small sieve.( i hias dgn choc ganache!)


  1. amboii...meriahnya brownie akak! ni klu ank sy nmpak mau saya kena buat.huwaaa!

  2. aduii best nye tgk brownie akak..
    huhu rase nak wat skang je..tapi
    kne tunggu dlu sebab on diet..

  3. Ain.. mudah je watnye!..x rugi woo!

    manje..mmg best..rugi x wat!!

  4. adeh...terliurnye..seb baik la tak preggie hihi
