Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Awards & Tag from VG..

thank you VG for this awards..even though i've already received this awards sometimes back from other fellow bloggers..but i think need to mention again here how thankful i am for getting this gifts again from such a wonderful person like u..love u! muaaaaahhhsss!!.
I've done the tag...so will again copy/paste from previous tag that i've done..hope u don't mind aaarrr..VG..hehe!

Anyway, the rules of the award and tag are:

Copy the award pictures and place on your blog – done!

Link the person that sent you the award – VG, of course.

List ten facts about yourself or your hobbies – see below.

Pass on the award and tag to ten people – see below.

10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri ...(i just copypaste in malay arr VG..too lazy to type back in english..but i know u can understand malay very well right??)

1. i ni seorang yg easygoing,simple and hepi selalu..klu sedei2pn nampak cam hepi..(walaupn dlm hati tuhan je yg tahu)
2. tersangat flexible dan mudah bertolakansur...sampai kdg2 tu orang amik kesempatan atas kebaikan kita..ish..ish
3. mudah mengalirkan airmata klu tgk @ dgr cite sedih..
4. suka beli magazines tp simpan berbulan2 br baca sampai selalu juga terbeli mag yg sama 2 kali sbb terlupa dah beli ke belum.
5. suka masak & deco umah
6. mempunyai penyakit motion sickness dr kecik sampaila skrg..x mau hilang..x leh travel jauh ckit mesti mabuk giler punya klu x makan ubat..
7. suka berangan sbb banyak lg impian yg blum tercapai..jd berangan jelah!
8. suka surf internet...
9. artis malaysia plg minat CT n mawi..jgn mare ye!
10.kita asal dari mersing johor tp parents pn dh jd owg kl sejak 20 tahun yg lalu..

4. Anda perlu memilih 10 orang penerima Award seterusnya dan menyertakan nama mereka di blog anda..
okayla..memandangkan ramai dah dapat award ni keliling dunia..i taknak la mention nama sesapa yek!..so sape2 yg dah dapat atau belum lg award ni..dipersilakan mengambilnya kt sini ye..ikhlas akak beri ni kat seme kengkawan blogger ya..love u all!


  1. salam Kak Ina...hari ni saya kenal kak Ina betul2. No 1 sampai no 5 mmg sama ngan saya, cuma masak tu ada kureng le. hihi

  2. ain..hehe..kita serupa ya! tapi bnyak lg perangai pelik akak yg x leh taruh sini sbb bahaaayaaaa!!

  3. ina...aku ingat hang peminat no 1 M.Nasir, camno boleh kuar nama Siti ngan Mawi plak????

  4. mawar merah..aku peminat no satu siti,mawi & m.nasir..hehe tp antara 3 tu aku plg minat siti ler!!
