Monday, February 2, 2009

Kena TAG la pulak! akak sudah kena tag oleh AYU ibu amjad


The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.


What were you doing 5 years ago?
tahun 2004 ni..i macam ni gak..kerja dan kecoh ngan anak2 n suami!

What were the 5 things on your list today?
Hari ni..
1.pi kenduri kawin
2.pi makan2 besday ayah linda(bakal adik ipar)
3.pi kerja masuk kul 5 pm-10 pm
4.balik keje amik anak2 kt umah my mom
5.tengah tenetkan diri la ni..hehe!

What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
1.kuih muih & segala puding
2.kek..esp chocolate & fruit cakes
3.kerepek ubi pedas
4.potato chips
5.roti sardin

What are 5 jobs you've had?
1.seorang housewife
2.seorang ibu
3.seorang isteri
4.seorang pengurus
5.merawat orang sakit

5 people you want to tag
okayla kita tag owg2 berikut ini..jangan mare ye..(terpaksa senang je soklan nye.x sampai 2 minit leh siap homework nih!)
1. anawaheed


  1. Nasib baik tag ni senang...hehe..dh siap kak..hehe

  2. tq kak..hihi.bole tau serba sikit pasal akk..:)

  3. rajin dia jawab tagged.... tq singgah di blog t ye ina..

  4. anatahir ..tq..anda plg pantas..huhu!

    ayu..sama2..nnti kita tag die laks!

    T,mmg rajin nk jaga hati adik2 tersayang seme nih..hehe!
